Sunday, May 24, 2020

I.Introduction . Enterprise Risk Management (Erm) Started

I. Introduction Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) started to steady down at the end of 1990s and has been mostly recognized as the expectations for the effective management and corporate governance. (Fraser and Simkins, 2016) This report divided into 4 parts base on the understanding of ERM and Marks Spencer (MS) 2016 Annual report. Firstly, a literature review of ERM to determine the appropriate comprehension of ERM in MS. Secondly, this report introduced basic situation of MS Corporation to establish the basis of risk management. Thirdly, an analysis of key risks is the core part of this report. Fourthly, this report analysed the difficulties associated with managing data upon risk intelligence, which needed to pay attention to. All†¦show more content†¦Similarly, Bromiley et al. (2015) proposed that companies fully and continuously managed all the risk rather than individual solved them. Accordingly, MS connected all the risk as whole and analysed risk interdependency. Oliva (2016) proposed a model for assessing the maturity level of corporations with respect to ERM based on data analysis. Many researchers have utilised model to access ERM. They provided a theoretical model to access the maturity level of ERM based on survey and data collected. (Eckles, Hoyt and Miller, 2014) Therefore, building models based on data is the common methodology of application of ERM. Accordingly, Executive Board members of MS combined information to provide a consolidated view by diagram 3 - Risk likelihood and impact. On the other hand, Eckles, Hoyt and Miller (2014) argued that ERM was still in the early stage of development due to the existing data coming from case studies and survey compared with the study of corporate risk management. Chapman (2011) maintains that some benefits of ERM to govern more effectively. This report points out some relevant advantages: Increasing the probability of the enterprise to achieve its objectives; adjusting risk appetite; strengthening corporate governance; optimizing resource allocation,

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Private Schools Vs. Public Schools - 1406 Words

Everyone knows that private school is more expensive than public school, but has it ever occurred to you why it is like this? Private schools are not just trying to take your money, they are just trying to provide a quality education, without the government funding that public schools get. The tuition money goes to very important things; high quality teachers, better resources and the overall quality and stability of the institution. It is true that private school tuition is expensive, but private schools have been proven to be more orderly and safe, have more engaged teachers, better equipped for religious and special needs, and students have better test scores and are better prepared for college and the rest of life. Private schools are known for setting high standards, engaging students, and sparking the desire to learn. If the standards are set high, the students will work hard to reach them. Private school students generally perform higher than public school students on standar dized achievement tests. In the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), private school students scored well above the national average. (CAPE | Council for American Private Education. CAPE) Private schools do a great job challenging their students to stretch their capacity; they require more courses for graduation than public schools in math, science, social studies, foreign language, and computer sciences. Requiring more courses for graduation may seem like a lot of work, but itShow MoreRelatedPrivate Schools Vs Public Schools1723 Words   |  7 Pagesthink of private schools they often think of a quality of education that cannot be found in a public school. Private school education is thought of to be so thorough and innovative that public vouchers are given to individuals just to attend. Many parents could rest easier at night if their kids could attend private school because for generations it has been drilled into the psyche of many that going to private school is a sure way to have a good future. In actuality however, private schools are notRead MorePrivate Schools Vs Public Schools1428 Words   |  6 Pagesstudy in private schools, which almost represents the fifth of students in Saudi Arabia. Although a lot of families prefer to make their children study in private school, that does not mean they are completely satisfied about the schools’ quality and their children’ achievement (Al-Hagbani, 2013). Nevertheless, they still enroll their children in private schools, believing they will benefit more from studying in private schools than public schools. In addition, some parents believe that private schoolsRead MorePrivate Schools Vs Public Schools1207 Words   |  5 PagesAn Introduction of the Topic Private schools differ from public schools for many different reasons. The major difference is that the government, unlike private schools that are privately funded, funds public schools. Another difference would be that the private schools have more flexibility on what they can teach because the government does not fund them. One other difference that is very prevalent is the social goals of schooling. This topic is a very important issue that many parents struggle withRead MorePrivate Schools Vs. Public Schools998 Words   |  4 Pagesnation. People today might say that private schools are superior to public schools, saying that they are safer and a better environment to learn in. Some might say that a private school is a way of sheltering your child and not letting them experience opportunities and face many problems to learn from. There are many positives and negatives to both sides; it mainly depends on whom you are talking to. Some parents might want their child to go to a pri vate school because the class size is smaller andRead MorePublic Schools vs. Private Schools1027 Words   |  4 Pagesare things to consider before choosing to send your child to a public school or private school. Perhaps doing so would be much easier if you would take the time to research the differences between the two. Public schools are better than private schools because of the diversity, funding and extracurricular activities available. Eileen Gale Kugler, a national advocate for diverse schools, wrote an article about how the diversity in schools makes academic and social improvements. She recalls a memoryRead More Private Schools vs. Public Schools870 Words   |  4 PagesChoosing between a public or a private school for one’s education is as important as deciding where to invest one’s hard-earned money—the consequences influence one’s life forever. In the United States, it is the law for every child to be educated. However, the decision as to where to go for one’s education is up to each individual. There is a great deal of debate as to which is the better option: for-profit private schools or one’s local public school. Ultimately, the decision is made regardingRead MorePrivate Schools vs. Public Schools 1081 Words   |  5 PagesHave you ever attended a private institution? What was your experience like? Think back and compare it to your ideal public school, which on e happens to pale in comparison? Public schools, which are controlled by the government, and heavily influenced, by politicians and privateers, hurt your children, not allowing them to reap the full benefits of their growing mind. â€Å"Our schools have been scientifically designed to prevent over-education from happening. The average American [should be] contentRead MorePrivate School Vs. Public School1254 Words   |  6 PagesThesis: Private school students are more likely to have a better viewpoint in learning, a firm stance in education, and will be more successful in colleges than of public school students. I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: According to NCES data, 88 percent of private high school students apply to college, compared to 57 percent of public high school students. Every day parents contemplate whether to send their children to private or public school. There are many dangers that come with public schoolRead MorePrivate Schools Vs Public Schools921 Words   |  4 Pageschild’s education, parents want the best the school has to offer their children. Parents want a prosperous future for their child which is not only health, but a well-educated one. Education is of the utmost importance especially because it will impact the child the most in the long run. Private schools offer ample education opportunities. There are some factors to consider when choose a private school education over a public one. Many times, the private schools are religious are having certain beliefsRead MorePublic Schools Vs. Private Schools1638 Words   |  7 Pageshaving children many parents question which school system is better suited for their kids and which aspect is more important, convenience or quality education? Some people believe the public schools provide the same education but at a lower cost. Tooley, Dixon, and Gomathi state â€Å"many assume that private education is concerned only with serving the privileged, so is irrelevant to concerns about extending access to the poor.† Although there are some private schools that are expensive, most are affordable

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Powerful people can make others powerless Free Essays

Have you ever felt useless, unwanted or completely powerless? In many schools this is a frequent occurrence. Many powerful or popular people have the ability to create the Illusion that you are worthless. How would you enjoy the experience of being one of the powerless students. We will write a custom essay sample on Powerful people can make others powerless or any similar topic only for you Order Now Having to enter the school grounds every day in utter fear. Scurrying your way through the locker bays with the expressed desire of avoiding the possibility of being tormented by the powerful. They can can determine how we feel, owe we think and ultimately who we are. This must be altered. Primarily, day after retched day students either experience or are exposed to some form of bullying. An astonishing number of students are victims of bullying and this is the leading cause of depression in teenagers. According to documenting. Org over 3. 2 million students encounter bullying every year. If bullying was to prevail the victims might begin to perceive the world as a horrible and unforgiving place. Then the only reliable way to escape what seems like torture is to commit a sorrowful act. An act which would tear a family heart apart, seclude. There has been several bullying related suicides In the past year. Furthermore, bullying has spiraled in the 21st century and the many different forms of bullying have escalated. Now there is cyber bullying, the most common and the most cowardly. This is where one can simply hide behind the screen of an electronic device and pepper someone with insults. There is also verbal bullying, physical bullying, estranging and humiliation. Imagine the feeling of being completely humiliated In front of the entire school. Everyone pointing and gingering at you, sharing their crude comments about you to one another. In the olden days you had the privacy of your home and you were safe there. Now in this modern day and age there is no escape, even when you are situated at home, as the internet provides a gateway to your private life to the world. Now picture a world In complete harmony. Where If you were honored with the title of a powerful one, you would harness the ability In a way that would benefit everyone. This would create a much more inviting and nurturing learning environment for fellow peers. No student will have to learn in fear and they will view the world for what it should be. A place filled with enjoyment, love and respect for everyone which would allow students to strive to their full potential no matter who they are. A 12 year old girl once said â€Å"l known I’m only a child, yet I know we’re all In the this together and should act as one single world towards one single goal† – Severe Caulis Suzuki Everyone student should enjoy learning. They should enter the school grounds full of excitement and should be eager to learn and also obtain a positive outlook on life. If we were to harness the power In a positive way and combine as one, we could potentially surpass any expectations of where this world could be. As I stated In my in that phrase was illusion. An illusion is something that deceives the mind by producing a false or misleading impression of reality. Some people gain power from subjugating others, they should use the power to inspire and influence others. For we were produced for a reason. We were made to change this world. We all contain the power. The power to change the world. How to cite Powerful people can make others powerless, Essays

Monday, May 4, 2020

Creation And Evolution Essay Example For Students

Creation And Evolution Essay The majority of people in this world believe that a spiritual being createdearth. In fact, most religions and cultures believe the universe wascreated by a creative hand, either a sky god or some other physicalobject (Encarta 1). Think of it, as a trial to see which will win,creation or evolution. It has been the most argued debate in all of history, butcreationism is more logical than evolution. To first understand what creation isabout, we have to know what creation is. The Bible defines creation as theaction by God that brought the universe and all its contents into being. TheBible also states, God created great whales and every living creature thatmoveth, and so God created man in his own image, in the image of God created hehim; male and female created he them (Genesis 1:21, 27). To Doug LaPointe,the author of Top Evidences against the Theory of Evolution, there are ninearticles of evidence pointing weaknesses in evolution, or strong points increation. The first evidence is that there are no links between the fossilrecord and present times; therefore, there is nothing to show that evolutionactually happened. Second, that natural selection cannot advance an organism toa higher order. The third being that although evolutionists believe life justcame about, matter resulted from nothing, and humans evolved from animals, allof these are against scientific and natural understandings. Fourth, even thoughevolutionists present them as if they were, the hominids bones and skullrecords, for example the famous Lucy, the finds are unrevealing andinconsistent. The fifth and sixth articles of evidence are the nine out of 12hominids that evolutionists use are really extinct apes, and the other three aremodern human beings and not part ape. This would conclude that all of the twelvehominids are something other than hominids and are not half-human, half-ape. Evidence seven and eight show that natural selection has practical, social, andlogical inconsistencies. The last evidence says that the rock strata finds arebetter explained by a universal flood than by evolution, which would show yetmore proof in the Bible (LaPointe 1-2). Michael Behe, author of the recentbestseller Darwins Black Box, states, I was amazed that people believe inevolution when there was this clear argument against it (Behe 3). At firstDarwinism was taught at schools, but there were so many flaws that these ideaswere turned down, and a different form of evolution was taught. The new form wasthen taught along with a type of scientific creation (Encarta 2). This showsthat schools feel that Darwin was wrong, and Darwin is evolutions top scholar. In order to disprove a way of thinking we must first know what we are trying todisprove. The definition of evolution is the complex process by which livingorganisms originated on earth and have been diversified and modified throughsustained changes in form and function (Encarta 2). Thomas Robert Malthus firststated that the human population was growing too fast for the food supply. This,he said, Is regulated by disease, famine, and war (Infopedia 1). Darwin applied this to animals and plants and came up with the theory ofevolution by natural selection. His theory stated that the children of a speciesintensely compete for survival. Those young that survive to produce the nextgeneration tend to be embodying favorable natural variations and thesevariations are passed on by heredity. Therefore, each generation will improveadaptively over the preceding generations, and this gradual and continuosprocess is the source of the evolution of the species (Infopedia 1-2). Thenotion that populations of organisms can be transformed over generations intodescendant population of different kinds has been suggested repeatedly since theearly-recorded history of ideas, but if you trace all the species back to theirorigin, you would get one object. Now the real part of this argument is righthere. How did that one object come into being? It couldnt have happened by merechance. It did not always exist so there had to be nothing before it. If therewas no thing before it, how was it created? Now some would like to say that itwas created by the Big Bang, but if you look at the Big Bang theory, it issuggesting that the one object did not just appear that it was created by theBig Bang. This is a contradiction because the Big Bang is supposed to have justhappened (Encarta 1). The other contradiction to this statement is that by thelaws of science matter has to come from other matter, but the Big Bang theoryused by scientists states that the first matter just happened at the Big Bangand came from nothing. Now that we have the facts, we should be able to look atit from an atheistic point of view, and be able to easily crush the argumentthat the earth might have just happened and evolved into present day. Thisargument without a doubt shows proof of a Creator. There had to be a Creatorbecause even by the scientific or atheistic point of view, it is not possiblefor something to come from nothing. 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The Evolution of a Skeptic. The Real Issue. : Leadership U., 1197. Encarta. Creation. Microsoft Corp., 1998. Encarta. Evolution. Microsoft Corp., 1998. Holy Bible. King JamesVersion. Camden, New Jersey: Thomas Nelson Inc., 1972. Infopedia. Darwin,Charles Robert. Softkey Multimedia Inc., 1996. LaPointe, Doug. TopEvidences Against the Theory of Evolution. Lakewood, New Jersey: CalvaryAcademy, 1995.